Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Granny's Pantry #51: Autumn of '18

"How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days."
(John Burrows)

October at the Cow Palace

"From its headwaters near Blowing Rock, the Yadkin River flows east and then south across North Carolina’s densely populated midsection. It travels 203 miles — passing farmland [the High Rock Cole farm]; draining the urban landscapes of Winston-Salem, Statesville, Lexington and Salisbury; and fanning through seven man-made reservoirs...High Rock is the first and largest of the Yadkin chain lakes" []
After Hurricane Michael
Looking north toward High Rock Dam. Crossing the bridge above the boiling river was a daunting task.
Looking south toward Tuckertown.
The aftermath of two fully open gates and two partially opened.
This water was rushing right by Granny and Granddaddy Cole's farm.
But mightier than the sound of much water, mightier than the sea's waves, mighty on high is the LORD!
Psalm 93:4 (CEB)