Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Granny's Pantry #56--Lick Creek

The farm at High Rock is located in Davidson County, NC, and bordered on its western side by the Yadkin River. 
Above the farm on the Yadkin is the High Rock Dam.
Several miles below it is the Tuckertown Dam.  
On the eastern side of the farm is Lick Creek Church Road. About a mile south of the farm is Lick Creek proper. 
Lick Creek is a muddy stream that is a tributary of the Yadkin, and a part of High Rock history and lore. You have to cross Lick Creek to get to Granny's church (Lick Creek Baptist), where Granny and Granddaddy Cole lie, their son, daughter in law, son in law and granddaughter. Crossing Lick Creek will take you to the site above the river where the Reid Plantation once stood 
and to the Denton Farm Park, where the Plantation buildings now stand. Crossing Lick Creek will take you to old Jackson Hill, where the old church and general store, now at the Farm Park, once stood, 

and where the two story house where Granddaddy's Aunt Lou used to live. Crossing the Creek will take you down to the site of the settlement of Newsom, now largely covered by the Yadkin. 

Once upon a time, a Sunday afternoon 'safari' would take adventuresome hikers south from High Rock along the Norfolk & Southern railroad tracks to the trestle high above Lick Creek. Not a place you wanted to be if you heard a train coming. That might not have been as scary as the last time in memory that Aunt Ruthie drove us across Lick Creek bridge in her old car. That! was a ride!
Often pronounced "Leek Creek," (at least to young ears), Lick Creek likely got it's name from mineral deposits along the creek bank that attracted the deer population to partake. The water may be muddy, but the fish like it as well as the cranes that call it's waters home. 
Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit. (Jeremiah 17:7-8)