Saturday, December 13, 2014

Pre-Christmas Check Up

Christmas is in what?....something-teen days?   
Are you ready?  Not the usual "ready" of decorations, presents, groceries, travel plans, etc. etc.

Are you ready inside to celebrate the season of Christmas--the birth of the Christ?
This semester at work had been a good one, busy but fairly quiet as semesters go. Then suddenly, about a month ago, things with which I will not bore you changed. Deadlines loomed large. Students who were supposed to submit their work weeks ago didn't. My house suffered, my sleep suffered, my "peace on earth good will to men" suffered (significantly).

It came to a head on Thursday when I drove to my office in a fog of concern about what I still had to do and what I had forgotten to do. There is a little fire station on the outskirts of the city where I work that has a marquee where they post birthdays, other important occasions and announcements.
Thursday's notice read...DO NOT OVERLOAD YOUR OUTLETS.

I get it that they were talking about electrical circuitry --- but they were really talking to me. I was there--in Outlet Overload Land! Does that sound familiar?  Have you ever been there?
I drove on by that fire station and began to think about the deeper truth and wisdom in their message----a message far more profound than, "Don't plug in too many connected strings of Christmas lights," like the Chevy Chase Christmas movie. 

If your outlets and circuits are nearing overload (or there already like mine were)  on this December 13th with something-teen more days until Christmas, here is our invitation for renewal and hope from the Master Electrician.

The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul...
The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart.
Psalm 19: 7a-8

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
I Peter 5:7
Be still, and know that I am God;
Psalm  46:10
You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!
Isaiah 26:3
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart!
I have overcome the world.

John 16:33

There is certainly a lesson in that!

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