Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Granny's Pantry # 31: Healing Springs Revisited

According to a Davidson County online visitors' site, a free pastime near Denton, NC, is to "Locate remnants of the Healing Springs Resort along Highway 8 which was popular from the 1840’s through the early 1900’s" (http://www.visitdavidsoncounty.com/factsandinfo.html).  

But you have to know what you are looking for and where to look. We explored the most maintained and protected remains of the old resort in Granny's Pantry # 28: Finding Healing Springs (10/4/15). But I had heard there might be more.
An online friend asked if I had found a picture of the tavern. No, no pictures.

I found very little by way of history of the place in my searching. Didn't even know where the tavern was in relation to the existing remnants in their little park off of Highway 8. But there was a tavern, according to http://www.carolana.com/NC/Counties/davidson_county_nc.html. "Early visitors tell of a tavern and cabins to serve the needs of visitors to the springs." The source goes on to say that, "The only visible remnants of Healing Springs 'resort' today are several rock shelters." I don't necessarily agree. There is a pool,
but what about the tavern?

My brother, who lives at High Rock where Granny lived, had not seen the Springs site; so, one Sunday we set out. I love the quiet and sheltered place where the two rock grottoes and the pool lie.
on the grotto side

But then I happened to look up a small rise directly across the highway ...and there were some unprotected remains of a building constructed, apparently, from the same type of stone and slate as the springs structures.
looking across Hwy 8

Could this be what's left of the tavern? 

small corner chimney

remains of old road bed?

My online friend agrees that what I saw may be the tavern. It's too small to be a hotel. He says the old post office still stands and that he has found evidence of other structures/cabins. So there's more to find.
I'm always glad to know there's more out there to find...whatever it is.  

my best and only brother

"there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother"
(Proverbs 18:24b)

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